Manifestation, Withdrawal and Externalization:
The 100 year period of the triangle of Leo, Capricorn, and Pisces [1875-1975]
EA 538.
Twice before has this relation and intensification of vibration occurred:
These are curiously and most mysteriously related to the fourth kingdom
in nature and therefore to the evolution and the destiny of the human family. EA 537.
Indeed, only twice before, three times in total, has this intensification
of vibration occurred. The first producing manifestation, the second withdrawal and the third producing emerging externalization.
Manifestation, Withdrawal and Externalization of 'the initiates':
The fourth Creative Hierarchy is in reality the ninth and that is why
it is called the Hierarchy of Initiates. EA 36.
Lords of the Flame One of the great Hierarchies of spiritual beings who
guide the solar system. They took control of the evolution of humanity upon this planet about 18 million years ago, during
the middle of the Lemurian, or third root race. LOM 355.
The Lemurian Period:
At the time of the coming of the Sons of Mind to the Earth. EA 537.
JC: The coming into physical incarnation/outer manifestation of the fourth
creative hierarchy. The Initiates.
It was decided about seventeen million years ago (the coming of the Hierarchy
and the founding of Shamballa being about eighteen and a half million years ago) to have on the dense physical plane an organization
and a headquarters for the mysteries, and to have a band of Adepts, and Chohans who would function in dense physical bodies
and thus meet the need of the rapidly awakening humanity. TWM 379.
The Atlantean period:
At the climax of the conflict. EA 537.
JC: The withdrawal of the hierarchy of initiates at the climax of the
battle between the dark brothers and the great white lodge.
When the Hierarchy withdrew behind the separating curtain in Atlantean
times, it marked the beginning of an interlude of darkness, of aridity and a cycle of "blank abstraction," which persisted
in its crudest form until 1425 A.D., and since then has sensibly lightened until we reached the year 1925. DINA2 316.
The Aryan Period:
Emerging Aquarian energy. EA 538.
JC: Commencing period of Externalization of the Hierarchy of initiates.
May Christ return to Earth. This return must not be understood in its
usual connotation and its well-known mystical Christian sense. Christ has never left the Earth. What is referred to is the
externalization of the Hierarchy and its exoteric appearance on Earth. The Hierarchy will eventually, under its Head, the
Christ, function openly and visibly on Earth. This will happen when the purpose of the divine Will, and the plan which will
implement it, are better understood and the period of adjustment, of world enlightenment and of reconstruction has made real
This period begins at the San Francisco Conference (hence its major importance),
and will move very slowly at first. It will take time, but the Hierarchy thinks not in terms of years and of brief cycles
(though long to humanity), but in terms of events and the expansion of consciousness. DINA2 150.
Therefore, we have at the meridian point of June 1945, within the mid
range of the occult 100 year cycle of the constellations Leo, Capricorn and Pisces with emerging Aquarian energy, a definitive
timeframe for the commencement of the externalisation of hierarchy measured in events and expansions of consciousness of humanity.
As a worldwide group of sworn Aquarian disciples we can but thank the
Christ for the inflow of Aquarian energy we duly and rightfully seek to dispense. Now.
All For One!
To The Definite Performance Of His Duties As Distributor,
Nourisher And Dispenser That He Pledged Himself In June, 1945, And Entered Upon His Responsibilities As The Forerunner
And The Teacher Of The Aquarian Age. RC 86.
June 1945, Christ set in motion the forces of reconstruction which are related to the Will aspect of divinity and which remain
as yet the least powerful of the three streams of energy, released during the three Full Moon Festivals in 1945. These forces
of reconstruction are effective mainly in relation to those entities which we call nations. The Hierarchy is at this time
attempting to channel them into the Assembly of the United Nations; the use made of these impersonal energies is dependent
upon the quality and the nature of the recipient nation, on its measure of true enlightenment and on its point in evolution.
Nations are the expression today of the massed self-centeredness of a people and of their instinct to self-preservation. These
energies can, therefore, increase that aspect of their lives. They can, however, and in spite of this, increase the potency
of the objective which the United Nations (at present) theoretically hold
before the eyes of men everywhere. RC 93.
A powerful first ray activity - the activity of will or purpose -
is swinging into action. The Christ, as the Leader of the Forces of Light, has empowered the Ashrams of the Masters upon this
first Ray of Power to strengthen the hands of all disciples in the field of government and of political arrangement in every
nation; to enlighten, if possible, the various national legislatures by whatever means may be needed, so that the potency
of their words, the wisdom of their planning, and the breadth of their thinking may prove so effective that the "Cycle of
Conferences and of Councils," now being initiated by the statesmen of the world, may be under the direct guidance (again if
possible) of Those in the Council Chamber at Shamballa Who know what is the Will of God. The selfishness of the little minds
in the various legislatures of the world must in some way be offset. That is the problem. I wonder if you can grasp the [447]
significance of this happening? Down the ages, individual statesmen and rulers have from time to time been responsive to the
influence of that spiritually supreme Council; but it has been the responsiveness of the individual disciple who has worked
alone and unaided and who has faced, (or experienced) defeat as often, if not oftener, than he has experienced victory.
Today, in the planning now going forward in connection with the various
international conferences and councils of which you all know, the spiritual effort (for the first time in human history) is
to bring all of them, as functioning groups, under the direct impact of the energy which motivates and actuates that place
where the Will of God is known and the purposes of divinity are defined and projected. This means that each of the coming
world conferences (and there will necessarily be many) will have a greater and far more extensive effect than would otherwise
be the case; it means, however, that the risks involved and the clash of minds will also be far greater. This is a point which
you should bear in mind as you study and read reports of these various conferences. EXT DK.
signing of the United Nations Charter, which took place in San Francisco on 26 June 1945.’
FORTY-FIVE NATIONS, including the four sponsors, were originally invited to the San Francisco Conference:
nations which had declared war on Germany and Japan and had subscribed to the United Nations Declaration. One of these, Poland,
did not attend because the composition of her new government was not announced until too late for the conference. Therefore,
a space was left for the signature of Poland, one of the original signatories of the United Nations Declaration. At the time
of the conference there was no generally recognized Polish Government, but on June 28 such a government was announced and
on October 15, 1945 Poland signed the Charter, thus becoming one of the original Members.
JPC. April 2006.
Jeremy Condick.